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Improve skin care with natural minerals
For years now, the Dead Sea has garnered attention for its exceptional mineral content that has major health benefits. Since the 18th century, people from all over the world have flocked to the Dead Sea to benefit from its wonderful benefits for the skin, hair, and overall wellness. In modern times, Dead Sea salt is a major ingredient in all Dead Sea skin care products. Tourists from all over the world now flock to the Dead Sea to get their hands on these magical and effective, authentic Dead Sea skincare products.
The Dead Sea Difference
An ordinary sea has 3% salinity, while the Dead Sea has 32% salinity, making it the most saline water body on earth. Moreover, it has high concentrations of 21 minerals like calcium, zinc, magnesium, and bromide. This makes it a rare and resourceful naturally-occurring deposit of earth. Therefore, it is now under heavy protection, and only a few companies that manufacture skin care products are accredited to source Dead Sea salts from the region.
Continue reading to know the essential minerals found in Dead Sea skin products
Chloride: One of the major minerals found in Dead Sea salt is chloride, which hydrates the skin and helps retain moisture. Additionally, it helps retain cell balance in your body and also speeds up your metabolism.
Calcium: It helps shed old skin and helps in the regeneration of skin cells, keeping your skin fresh and younger-looking at all times. Moreover, per research by the National Cancer Research Institute, calcium can also help prevent skin cancer.
Bromide: it is a naturally occurring antibiotic and helps relieve several disorders and ailments. Moreover, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that have a soothing effect
Sodium Chloride: it is a major ingredient in many skin care products because of its astringent, antiseptic, and cleansing properties. It hydrates your skin, helping you fight fine lines and other signs of aging.
Iodine: Found in abundance in Dead Sea salt, iodine is primarily used to fight skin diseases caused by fungus. Additionally, it is also used to treat skin ailments like acne and pimple.
These are some minerals and Dead Sea salts that various Dead Sea products contain. Moreover, Dead Sea minerals are known to cure skin disorders by maintaining the chemical balance of the skin, strengthening the skin tissues, eliminating toxins from the skin, and stimulating blood circulation. Dead Sea beauty products and Dead Sea salts protect and strengthen cell membranes against environmental hazards, pollution, and dehydration.